We make your organization
ready for GenAI

Odyssey closes the gap between your Private Data and AI.

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Galaxy background representing the vast reach of Odyssey AI by Inteligems Labs. Transform your data with Odyssey AI LaunchPad and Accelerator, featuring private AI models and speech AI for secure, domain-specific insights and zero-hallucination responses.

GenAI Privacy with Odyssey AI

Odyssey GenAI for all your data at-scale

Unlock Private AI Reasoning

Odyssey AI LaunchPadTM identifies, extracts and classifies every type of data from video to text.

The image depicts a central node connected to various types of data sources, illustrating the concept of multi-modal data transformation. The central node represents Odyssey AI, which processes and integrates different data types such as recordings, text, emails, CRM, and databases. This setup is designed to train a private language model instance, ensuring precise and contextually relevant results for domain-specific AI applications, while safeguarding privacy.
  • Privacy-focused:
    Ensures data security and protects intellectual property.
  • Domain-specific insights:
    Applies AI reasoning to your organization's needs.
  • Zero hallucination responses:
    Delivers accurate, contextually relevant information with source attribution.
  • Efficient data management:
    Utilizes advanced compression technology to reduce storage costs and carbon footprint.

Unleash the Power of AI Across All Your Data with Odyssey AI

With Odyssey AI LaunchPadTM you can ask questions across all your data. Making every insight relevant to your organization.

Trusted by companies of all sizes

Customers Reviews​

‌“As a leading tumor specimen provider, Bio-Options required an accurate solution for classifying tumors. Classifying tumors is a tedious, time-consuming process that ties up our highly trained professionals.

We tried mainstream AI models like GPT-4 and Gemini Pro but they fell short and privacy is critical. This is where Inteligems Labs stepped in. Their Launchpad process and AI models quickly advanced us from concept to a pilot, customized to our needs.

The results are amazing: $400,000 in annual savings, 80% faster order fulfillment, and a 20% increase in orders. We're excited to explore further AI innovations with Inteligems, they’re an exceptional AI partner.”
‌Larry Blocher, M.D., J.D.
‌CEO, Bio-Options
"We at Harmony are building an AI platform that will provide businesses with the insights they need to make informed decisions and fulfill their fiduciary duty. 

We tried commercial LLMs such as GPT4 and Gemini Pro, but they proved inadequate as zero-hallucination, in-line source citation and accuracy were critical to us. 

Harmony partenered with Inteligems Labs to build a bespoke Harmony Odyssey. Inteligems Labs team undertook a series for R&D activities to invent new algorithms and ML designs to solve data extraction, augmentation and retrieval challenges at scale.

I am confident that the state-of-art new technology resulting from the R&D will enable Harmony to deliver 10x value to our clients."
‌Leticia Lazaridis Goldberg
‌COO, Harmony Analytics

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Galaxy background representing the vast reach of Odyssey AI by Inteligems Labs. Transform your data with Odyssey AI LaunchPad and Accelerator, featuring private AI models and speech AI for secure, domain-specific insights and zero-hallucination responses.